Room Tawa is a group of learners made up of 30 pupils and 1 teacher. 'Mahi tahi' means working together and we strive to do this in Room Tawa as well as trying to always 'Be Kind.' We are looking forward to a fun year filled with lots of learning and new experiences.
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Audio Stories
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The World of David Walliams is releasing an audio story from The World’s Worst Children every day for the next 30 days!
Incredibox and Lyrics This term we have had Sam working with us on our music. We go in two groups so while one group has been with Sam the rest of us have been working in groups to create a piece of music and so lyrics. The lyrics needed to be about encouraging people to be kind. While we can't post our music the photo shows some of the completed lyrics so far. You can try out incedibox yourself for free using the link.
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