
Showing posts from May, 2022

Our new learning space

 This week we moved into our new learning space. We are now in the Kahikatea room, but still called Tawa for now.

Dog Safety

 Today we learnt some very important lessons about how to stay safe when we are around dogs that we don't know.  Check it's sweet - before you meet! To understand - they sniff your hand! Chin or chest - that's the best! We are bringing home an information sheet to share today

Pink Shirt Day - Say NO to Bullying

  We all know the importance of being an Upstander!

Music Sessions Underway

This term we are lucky enough to have a music session each Thursday with Tobias. So far we have been learning about beat, rhythm and recognising songs. Tobias has had us using our bodies as instruments, and different instruments including shakers and drums. We have recognised patterns and repeated them, played bingo and noughts and crosses. We are looking forward to our coming sessions.

Life Education

Over the past two weeks we have had the opportunity to have two sessions with Megan and Harold. We focused on Cyber Safety. We learnt the importance of having a long password, keeping personal information to ourselves, not be involved in conversations online, not to share photos, once things have been shared on the internet they are part of the World Wide Web, think before you post, use sites suitable for our age - they have an age restriction for a reason, use devices where an adult can see you and only share with people you trust because once you have sent it you can't get it back.